Drywall and The Remodeling Rollercoster

What a difference!

Drywall installation is a turning point in a remodeling project.  It is one of my favorite moments as it signals the end of the “rough-in” and demo and the start of the “finish” stages. The drywall sets the stage for the interior volume, natural light, and the finishes to come. In this regard, it's an exciting change.  However, watching this change is as exciting as watching ice melt… and it may make you sneeze and cough a little.  


After the board is hung, finishing the drywall takes time, and yields very little visual change. We do our best to keep the space clear of dust (zip walls and air scrubbers) but the fine drywall dust has a magical ability to transport beyond our man-made barriers. From our client’s point of view, the “drywall dust” phase often marks a low point in the remodeling process.  See the chart below.  We understand this and do our best to help our clients through these “low” moments.  We find the best way to lift spirits during this stage is to keep the space clean and reviewing the next start for Trim work!   Bring on The finishes!

Pseudo-graph of stress levels of house inhabitants vs time.

No matter how dusty it gets, we will have a smile on. (Dear OSHA: We only take our respirator off for goofy photos.)

Kim standing on stilts. She has taken a break to goof off for the camera (without her mask).

Kim Studham

Small Business Owner, Mom, Wife, Licensed General Contractor, and dog owner.